08/11/2020 Comments (0) Uncategorised

New Year’s BVRT Bike Ride – Pioneer’s Trail


 Muir St  Blackbutt, QLD 4306

A great BVRT themed bike ride to kickstart 2021.

From 7.00 am

At Blackbutt Visitor's Information Centre

Muir St Blackbutt, QLD 4306

Brisbane Valley Rail Trail Users Assoc. Inc. / 0417342854

Back at the beginning of the construction of the BVRT, three trails in the Blackbutt region were waymarked and named after the early pioneers of the rail trail - the Ogilvie Trail, the MacCallum Trail and the Allery Loop Trail.

Each trail is a bit short for a decent bike ride, but they're more or less adjacent to each other, so we've mapped a trail that combines the outer perimeter of all three trails that we call the Pioneer's Trail.

It's a great dry conditions MTB and Gravel bike ride (clay is horrible in the wet) that requires moderate mountain biking skills.

The loop ride starts and finishes in Blackbutt and consists of a bit of rail trail, a bit of forestry trails and tracks, and a bit of bitumen to connect between the different sections. There is one very steep climb out of a creek bed that can also be walked. There is one long and quite rocky descent. Distance is 46.5 km.

Reward at the end is a pie at the Blacbbutt Bakery.

All our events are compliant with the Industry COVID Safe plan for outdoor pursuits.

Registration $20 to cover insurance and admin costs.


BVRTUA reserves the right to cancel, postone or vary this event if there are any safety concerns such as poor weather forecast, bush fires, etc.

There are 30 places available.

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