
27/03/2016 Comments Off on BVRT Events Calendar Uncategorized

BVRT Events Calendar


George St, Linville

BVRT Night Ride - Yarraman to Linville

Our most popular BVRT Night ride is on again. Yarraman to Linville at night is a cycling experience on the next level.

From 4.30 pm until 8.30pm

At Linville Station (Opp. Linville Hotel)

George St, Linville

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Brisbane Valley Rail Trail 3-Day Cycle Tour

Looking for an adventure that combines history, nature, and leisure? Our all-inclusive Brisbane Valley Rail Trail 3-Day Tour has it all!

At Brisbane Valley Rail Trail

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8518 Brisbane Valley Highway, Harlin, QLD 4314

Glenland BBQ in a Barn - a scenic, mixed gravel/bitumen, circular ride

A scenic, circular ride with a great gourmet BBQ lunch stop. Total distance 46.5 km

From 9.00 am until approx. 3.00 pm

At Opposite Harlin Hotel

8518 Brisbane Valley Highway, Harlin, QLD 4314

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